Search Engine Rank Tracking Software

Track your keyword rankings on Google and Bing

Check Keyword Ranking Anytime

You can log on and track your SEO rankings and progress at any time.

SEO Tools

We have simplified SEO analysis by building traditional SEO tool data directly into our reporting interface. We automatically gather SEO metrics like search volume, competitors, backlinks, trust, authority & many more!

Automated PDF Reports

We automatically send out Weekly SEO Ranking reports so you will always be up to date on your websites progress.

Easy Personal Login

You have easy quick access to SEO reports, Backlings, with your own customized protected login in.


“Prince of Whales Whale Watching owes a debt of gratitude to Salt Lake SEO for years of professional design and promotion services that have culminated in a recognized world class web site.”

Jackson L., Mongeto

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Why Salt Lake SEO?

Expand your brand presence

Transform visitors into loyal customers

Increase your visibility in Search